Monday, June 28, 2010

Just needed Mommy...

Yesterday as we were sitting in church the dreaded red number came up on the front screen...3803. I quickly left the service to go to the nursery and there he was. Red eyes, taking deep breaths like he'd been was so sad. As soon as I took him, it all stopped. The reason I post this is so that I can look back and remember this DID happen at one time. I know it's not going to last long. Presley's only going on 3 and she no longer even looks back at us when we drop her off at Sunday School. I thank God that she loves it so much, but I also kinda want her to still want me to be with her.

So, here was Jaggar after I went and got him...What a stinker!

You were faking it Jaggar....(but its ok)

1 comment:

The Stohres said...

Hannah is the same way. I love it and hate it. It's good to know your children love you, but you can NEVER leave them!!!!